'Twas the weekend before Christmas
'Twas the weekend before Christmas,
When all through the house.
(Despite 18 girls being here) not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse (thank Allah we don’t have these here).
There were no stockings were hung by the chimney (although if there were they would have been hung) with care,
And no hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be ther
While visions of Terres d’Amanar danced in their heads.
And Latifa in her 'kerchief (more of a headscarf, really), and I in my cap (beanie),
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,When out on the lawn (no, actually it was in the salon) there arose such a clatter,I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter (thank you Claire for the new DVD player).Our awesome weekend began when Maryk and Cees kindly brought us the DVD player that Claire had donated for the girls. There was much excitement, and after a Friday night session of Disney’s Magic English the girls are all wandering around saying,
“Hello Bambi. I love you”
Maybe not the most useful conversation starters, but great for when they head home!
The girls were so thrilled – they were glued to the TV after dinner, until it was time for homework. (On a Friday night!)
And, the next day. Well, Claire, you have made one man at the Asni souq very happy.
On Sunday, we took the girls to Terres d’Amanar. Outside of Tahannout, this huge leisure centre has (among other things) a high ropes course and some big flying foxes. We spent the day trying out the equipment, then completing the course, then flying through the air attached to some very long cables. The views were stunning!
They were all utterly exhausted when we got home – just a perfect night for watching one of their DVDs. This morning, everyone had woken up in states of agony as eve
I am off now for the Christmas and New year period to renew my visa. So, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!
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